Animated baseball drills
Playname: Tjech 1
Practice throwing in movement.

8 or more players, 2 balls

Players 3 and 7 move to the middle and get the ball from the right off players 1 and 5.
Players 4 and 8 throw the ball to players 5 and 1 who get the ball from the right.

After receiving the ball players 1 and 5 throw to 6 and 2.

After the passing the players follow the throw to their new position.
Players 2 and 6 throw the ball to 4 and 8 who get the ball from the right.

After receiving the ball players 4 and 8 pass to 3 and 7

After the passing the players follow the throw to there new position.

You can let the ball come form the left instead of the right.
Throw the ball low instead of chest height.
Drill submitted by: Jes-Soft
Sub categories: Warming up, Pre-game

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