This is a throwing for accuracy and foot work drill with live base running.
Infielders work on good throws with rotating foot work. Base runners work on tagging inside corners of bag while making smooth rounding of bases.
Split into teams of 4. First team has 4 infielders and the second team has 4 runners.

1. Coach throws to catcher and batter starts running when catcher makes the catch.
2. Catcher throws to first.
3. First throws to second.
4. Second throws to third.
5. Third throws to home.
6. Home throws back in reverse order.
Infielders must tag all bags with the throws, if not must chase the ball down and then tag the base to continue throwing!!! If the infielders get the ball back to catcher for the second time before the base runner reaches home then it's one out. But if runner reaches home before the infielders then it's a run. Repeat with next runners. Change sides after 3 outs.

Infielders must tag all bags with the throws, if not must chase the ball down and then tag the base to continue throwing!!!
If the infielders get the ball back to catcher for the second time before the base runner reaches home then it's one out.
But if runner reaches home before the infielders then it's a run.
Repeat with next runners. Change sides after 3 outs.

Submitted by: Robert Kipness
Sub categories: Fielding, Running, Infield/baserunning