Bunt Defense One
Runners on 1st & 2nd
Runners on 2nd & 3rd
Bases Loaded
• 3rd baseman charges in
• SS covers 3rd
• 2nd baseman covers 2nd
• 1st baseman covers 1st
• Catcher covers home plate
• Pitcher covers 1st base side
• RF backs up throws to 1st
• CF backs up throws to 2nd
• LF backs up throws to 3rd
Defensive Design:
• Try to get the lead runner out

Option Two:
Get out at first if it is not possible to get the lead runner.
Decision Making:
• If the 3rd Baseman fields the ball he will probably want to take the force out at first base.
• The 3rd baseman will probably not be able to pivot around and make an accurate throw in time to third base to get the lead runner.
• Unless the ball is bunted hard down the third baseline.

Decision Making:
• If the pitcher fields the ball he may have a shot at the lead runner since he is already facing 3rd base.
• The pitcher should make his decision quickly.
• However, if there is
any hesitation he should take the out at first base.

Submitted by: Chris Dulavitch
Sub category: Defense bunt