Definite Double To Left Field Gap
Nobody on Base
Key Points:
• Throw to the base ahead of runner.
• Cut off men sprint into position.
• 3rd baseman lines up cut off man (SS)
• Cut off man puts arms up in the air to be easily identified by the outfielder.

• Pitcher backs up 3rd base
• Catcher covers home plate
• 1st baseman watches runner touch bag then trails the runner to 2nd base.
• 2nd baseman trails SS by 15-20 feet.
• SS lines up with 3rd base and takes cut.
3rd baseman covers 3rd.
• LF goes after ball
• CF goes after ball
• RF backs up throws to 2nd base

• Pitcher backs up 3rd base
• Catcher covers home plate
• 1st baseman watches runner touch bag then trails the runner to 2nd base.
2nd baseman trails SS by 15-20 feet.
• SS lines up with 3rd base and takes cut.
• 3rd baseman covers 3rd.
• LF goes after ball
• CF goes after ball
RF backs up throws to 2nd base
• Pitcher backs up 3rd base
• Catcher covers home plate
1st baseman watches runner touch bag then trails the runner to 2nd base.
• 2nd baseman trails SS by 15-20 feet.
• SS lines up with 3rd base and takes cut.
• 3rd baseman covers 3rd.
• LF goes after ball
• CF goes after ball
• RF backs up throws to 2nd base

• Pitcher backs up 3rd base
• Catcher covers home plate
• 1st baseman watches runner touch bag then trails the runner to 2nd base.
• 2nd baseman trails SS by 15-20 feet.
• SS lines up with 3rd base and takes cut.
• 3rd baseman covers 3rd.
• LF goes after ball
• CF goes after ball
RF backs up throws to 2nd base
3rd baseman YELLS "CUT" and says what base to throw the ball.
Submitted by: Chris Dulavitch