Double Steal Defenses
(These plays are designed with my son's little league rules in mind. They may need to be adjusted according to your own league's rules.)
These plays are designed for when there are less than two outs and the infield is drawn in. When there are two outs, the infield should always play back.
Shortstop Cut-Off
• When the runner on 1B breaks towards 2B, the second baseman breaks towards 2B also.
• The shortstop steps forward to receive the throw from the catcher.
• The third baseman must cover 3B for possible throws from the shortstop or catcher.

• When the second baseman sees the runner on 3B breaking for home, he swings behind the shortstop to cover the possible overthrow from the catcher.
• As the runner from 1B continues to 2B, the first baseman follows behind to cover 2B.
• The outfielders come in to cover possible overthrows as indicated.
• The key player in making these double steal defenses work is the catcher. He really has to sell his throw to make the runner on 3B come all the way down the line.

• From here the runner from 3B may go either direction; it's up to the shortstop to make the right play.

Additional Notes
• Signs are necessary to coordinate the defense.
• The first baseman should yell "Steal, steal" when the runner at 1B takes off.
• Be aware that the runner from 1B may round 2B too much leading to a possible run-down between 2B and 3B. In that case the first and second baseman would cover 2B, and the shortstop and third baseman would cover 3B. The left fielder backs up 3B overthrows, and the center fielder backs-up 2B overthrows.

Second Baseman Cut-Off
• This time it's the shortstop who breaks for 2B when the runner at 1B starts his run.
• The second baseman will step forward to take the catcher's throw.
• The first and third baseman will each cover their bases.
• The outfielders still come in to cover overthrows.

• The advantage this play has over the
shortstop cut-off is that the 3B runner's view of the play is somewhat screened by the pitcher.
• However, the angle of the throw from the second baseman to the catcher is not as good as that from the shortstop. Here the catcher has to pivot to apply the tag.

Submitted by: Darcell
Sub category: Defense